Friday, November 23, 2007

How To Start Earning Dollars - Part 2

But if you don't have any product to sell but have some information which you can share with others and useful for others then you can make your own Blog site. A blog site is that on which you put or post some useful information on any topic of your interest. But it should not voilate any copyright law. All the matter which you want to put on the blog site should be your own written.

So to make a good blog site you must required a nice writing skill. And good knodledge of the topic on which you want to write. Then you can write your articals or information online or offline, which you like better. There are many online blog sites which can provide you your free blog site. for this you have to just register on any blog site to launch your blog site free. But remember it is a subdomain blog site. If you want you own domain blog site then you have to purchase a Domain name and web space. And then you have to you have to install a blog cms on it. But if you want to start with free service then you can start with other blog companies like blogspot, wordpress etc. Then just register there with your basic information, choose a blog site URL, but it is subject to the availability. After complition of the registration you can make your blog site, choose any available template or upload your own templateand make necessery changes. If you have a good programming knowledge then you can also do some changes in the existing template. After completing the changes you can write you articals or information you want to put on your blog site. If you have created a mail ID then you can also post on your blog site just by sending E-mails to the e-mail id you have created for your blog posting.
So after writing articles for your blog site you have to apply for ads companies like Google Adsense, Bidvertiser and others. you can find the their link at the top right corner of this blog site or on my other blog site so apply for these companies and after approval login to your acount and generate HTML code for advertisements and copy and paste on your blog site where you want to show ads on your blog site, and that it. You are ready to earn.

If you are not able to make your own blog site then just contact us at manojatindia @ (remove space) and we will create a blog site for you free of cost. You just have to post interesting articals on your blog site.

How To Start Earning Dollars

Just follow these simple steps to start your own online business to earn dollars.

For mostly affiliate or referral programs you must required your own website or a blog site.
For example :
If you want to join Google AdSense or Bidvertiser Ads program then you must require a website or a Blog Site on which you can display their ads. But if you want to join Trialpay's Alternative payment program then you must required a website of a product. To join TrialPay's program you must have your own product to sell. So different companies have their different plans and different conditions to join their programs. But easiest way to start is Google AdSense or Bidvertiser program. So in this post we concentrate on these two.

So first of all you required a website or a Blog site.
If you have any product to sell then you have to make a website. but if you want to start with a information site then Blog site is the best option.

So let's take it one by one.
If you have a product (Book, Software, Game, Service, any physical product etc) then you have to make a website. For this you must required following things :
Of course Computer with Internet Connection

The very first step is to purchase a Domain name for your website. So Find a Domain name which best represent your website from any domain name selling site. But if you don't want to purchase a domain name then you can choose a free Subdomain name from a web hosting company. Then you required a web hosting company to hire a Web Hosting service to upload your website (Web hosting company will be same if you are using a free subdomain name) . Web Hosting service is also available free from different companies.

Then you required a good HTML Editor (Website Designing Software like Frontpage, Dreamweaver etc.)
Basic Knowledge of HTML ( For more professional websites you required more knowledge other languages like ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, SQL Server, MYSQL, Java, Java Script etc. well but it depends n your requirements)
Designing and writing Capability
A Good thinking capacity
Logo Designing Software
Animation Designing software if you want to add Animated images in your website
A Nice Photo Editor
You must be able to handle all the above concurrently to make a professional website.
Well you can also hire a professional to make a website for you if you don't have all of these tools.
So if you want to create your website yourself then first make a plan what type of site you want to make what you want to put on and make a rough design of the site on a paper as it saves your lots to time. Then design the Logo, Images and Animated graphics for your site. And then make your website.

After creation of the website's web pages you required to upload your pages on a online server of your web hosting company. And for this you may required an FTP Software to upload your web pages to web server. Or you may upload your pages using your browser but it all depends on your web hosting company that what features they provide.

After uploading your pages on server, your site is ready to apply for Google AdSense, Bidvertiser or any other company's advertising program.

To apply for different companies the referral links are given at the Top Right corner under "Recommended Referral Programs" heading. After Applying to these programs you will get approval in few days depending upon these companies or your website's server.

Now after approval you have to login to your account and generate the html codes of Ads units and then paste these code to the appropriate location in your webpage's html code according to the location where you want to display the ads in your site. And then again upload your updated webpages to the web server. And you are ready to earn from your website.